Tuesday, March 4

Nothing To Report......
It has been a pretty mellow and unaffected week [or so] around here. I have actually been spending more time reading blogs than contributing to my own. Someone i know once told me that God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason [now that i think of it, i probably saw it on TV somewhere....] I guess that doesn't quite translate into this situation but you get the gist...

I have read one or two blogs that i really dig. I added one of them to my links. I plan on going back to check on it from time to time. It left me with a smile on my face. Not much seems to do that anymore so I'm sure that I'll be back there soon.

If you have some how stumbled onto my blog, and liked any of it and if you have a free minute or two, wander on over to my site and check it out. I have some of my art, my poetry, and this blog on it, too. If you do check it out, do me a favor and leave a little something on my discussion board and let me know what you though of it all....

well it is past my bed time [and i am actually a little tired] so i'll catch you around the way......

Wednesday, February 26

Where, oh where, has my little Saint gone.....
It is amazing how much a person can feel disconnected to the rest of the world, only because their internet service was down.

It has only been like maybe 2 days, 3 days tops, since I had last been online and i have never felt less a part of the "global village" than at that moment. More and more everyday, the internet is becoming a part of who we are; just as much a part of who we are, as a society, as our books, radio, and even television. It blows my mind to think of the Internet 10 years down the road when my kids will be teenagers...

Already, at only the ages of 3 and 5, my son and daughter get around their favorite sites [closely supervised by my wife and I, of course] with a flair and dexterity that I didn't show till probably High School. I realize that this is life for them; life in the age of computers. I am still young, only 27, but I remember a time when there were no computers, maybe one if your school was lucky, in the whole school. Now, my son's daycare class has at least two. For 3 year old users. Won't be long before there is one on every desk. As much a part of elementary school life as big chief note pads and metal lunchboxes were for us.

But does all this worry me? Not in the least. I believe that this is all a big part in the evolution of humanity as a society; bringing us all closer together in a way that the world has never experienced before. What might seem as a cold and impersonal means of communication has put a more human face on the rest of the world than any other communication tool before it. For the first time in history, it is just as easy to be talking to someone from across the world as it is to be talking to someone down the street. And you know what we all are realizing? that no matter if you are white, brown, american, asian or european that we are all, for the most part the same; same fears, same dreams, and same hopes for the future.

What about all the porn and other wastes that you find in every corner of the internet?

They are just as much a part of who we are as all the good that is there; we can find the negative in anything we look for. But if we all will make just a little effort to see the good that is there, it just might set us all free....

Thursday, February 20

What if we have it all wrong.....?
I sit around wondering about the strangest things sometimes. Crazy religous things. End of life as we know it kinds of things.

Sometimes I wonder if God was talking about his relationship with Lucifer in the Story of the Return of the Prodigal Son......

I wonder [this is a totally christian perspective] if while most of us are sitting around waiting for a huge cataclysmic event to harken the beggining of Armageddon, if it has not already been happening for a while now. Almost like when the Jews of Christ's time expected their savior to come in brandishing a sword atop a white horse to save their flesh; a powerful king, but instead recieved the poor son of a carpenter only trying to save their souls. Maybe, while we have been waiting for the no-holds-barred, knockdown fight for our flesh to start and shatter the world around us, the fight for our souls has long been under way....

I sometimes think that if God doesn't spank America soon for our behavior, that he may owe Soddom & Gammorah an apology...

I read this really interesting article about the relationship between Christ and Judas. It proposed that maybe Judas didn't "betray" Jesus, the two being the closest of friends among the other apostles; instead Christ knowing he had to confront the ruling authorities, asked Judas [the usual pronouncer of their entrance to city authorities] to report his coming. It also had an explanation for the giving of the money [50 silver pieces] as well. Makes one wonder, and is interesting as hell if nothing else...

I believe that the Bible and Science are the ultimate compliments of each other; not two opposing sides as some might believe. I believe that Science is man's understanding of the things that were layed out, by someone other than us for sure, a long time ago. Alot of these things recorded in the very basic language of the Bible.

Like what, you might ask?

Well, the taking of blood, for one [at that time mainly cooked as food] With the leaps and bounds of science we now know that blood is a huge carrier of the a myriad of things that might be bad for us. But how do you explain this thousands of years ago with the state of science or even with man's understanding of such things almost non-existent? Like any parent might to a young child, Do this because I told you. As we grow older we understand and realize the reasons behind "because I said so"; was for our own welfares. Now so, for us as a "maturing" species, enlightenment slowly coming to us, too......

Evolution happens...no two ways about it. Although no one has ever seen a monkey become a man, that is a simplistic approach to Darwin; it may not be shown to us that extreme but it is there, nonetheless. We are bigger, faster, stronger, and smarter by design than people even just a few generations earlier than ours. For example, as a High School 800 meter runner in track, the times I ran would have been competitive, maybe even snagging me a gold medal, in the early 1900's Olympic games.We are programmed to adapt...that is the beauty of our design; our brilliance, and the ultimate testement to a higher creator.

My favorite painting of all time is religious in nature....The Taking of Christ by Michelangelo Caravaggio [interesting story behind this painting too...check it out sometime]

Never be afraid to question everything...it isn't disrespectful, but rather a sign of wanting to know and understand the Truth of something. Not settling for the " I told you so", but enlightening yourselves to the why behind it; Eventually leading to the answer we all seek.....

Tuesday, February 18

Life, Death and Taxes....oh, and Bad credit, too

As i think about the things that i have in life; my blessings of people and material goodies, i am reminded of the age old saying that "everything i have in my life, i owe to some one else [but in my case that someone is probably a credit card company].

I am currently doing something which I have grown to loathe; relishing only in the fact that it is done only once or so every 3 or 4 years--buying a car. This time, though, the devil has added his own twist to my personal Hell and blessed me with a visit from the bad credit fairy; a little-known and highly under-rated strong arm of the Nether regions [A reference to Hades...not your crotch].

I am trying my best to "suck it up" and "drive on", but mostly I just want to sit down, kick my feet up, and hope some rich uncle I never knew bequeathes his entire estate to me...automobiles included.

But until then, I'll be hitting the pavement in search of the next salcido-mobile. And when i find it...all beware. . .
Insomniac: The beginning of the end ...

I often believe that my mind is secretly plotting against me.

Me, Nicholas, a.k.a Sal, a.k.a saintends, a.k.a the grim reaper's right hand patsy...Casually rolling over and conceding, nightly, to free samples of death; sweet, unreclaimable sleep.

Why do we sleep, anyways? Peer-pressure? Only because everyone else is doing it?
'"If all of your friends jumped off of a cliff, would you? " , it [my(?)mind] asks me in it's best imitation of my mother's voice.

wake up...your dreamin', i can't stand your screamin'....

Why the Hell am I still awake? It's not like I am missing out on anything. Everyone i know is comfortably tucked in, jammies and all ; dreaming of better interest rates and a Christmas bonus. But...

What if everytime I close my eyes, the world kicks off the biggest planetary shindig, ever...and I slept through it all?

I'll be damned if I miss out on all that just for a nap.

What if...What if...What if...What if...

So,as i sit here typing [not sleeping], living [not sleeping], nonconforming [not sleeping],and contemplating [not sleeping]... you all sleep and get some rest.

But don't worry, i'll still be vigilantly standing here; playing look-out to the world for you.

Oh...and when you finally wake up, if you open your eyes and find me with my eyes closed....

I'm not sleeping, I'm just resting my eyes....