Tuesday, March 4

Nothing To Report......
It has been a pretty mellow and unaffected week [or so] around here. I have actually been spending more time reading blogs than contributing to my own. Someone i know once told me that God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason [now that i think of it, i probably saw it on TV somewhere....] I guess that doesn't quite translate into this situation but you get the gist...

I have read one or two blogs that i really dig. I added one of them to my links. I plan on going back to check on it from time to time. It left me with a smile on my face. Not much seems to do that anymore so I'm sure that I'll be back there soon.

If you have some how stumbled onto my blog, and liked any of it and if you have a free minute or two, wander on over to my site and check it out. I have some of my art, my poetry, and this blog on it, too. If you do check it out, do me a favor and leave a little something on my discussion board and let me know what you though of it all....

well it is past my bed time [and i am actually a little tired] so i'll catch you around the way......